Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Welcome to the 3rd term!

Times flies so fast; it feels like I just have started my journey at DMU last month; even though it began almost seven months ago. Throughout these past terms I have learnt a lot. The 2nd term was definitely my favourite; since we; as a students; were given new modules I was really thrilled to participate in a Film & TV Studies; since Film Studies would be my main course that I will hopefully graduate from this University. 

When 2nd term came to its end and I had lots of free time I have decided to watch a few of the films that were on my ''watch list''.  Productions that I have watched were magnificent; well written and put out together.

One of them was Autumn Sonata (1978) directed by Ingmar Bergman; starring legendary Ingrid Bergman (Don't be fooled by their surnames; they were not related witch each other) 

Autumn Sonata tells the story of  a world famous pianist; Charlotte; who decides to visit her daughter; Eva; after couple months of absence in her daughter's life; little did Charlotte know that Eva decided to take her younger, disabled sister from Nursing Home; to which her mother checked her in. Charlotte has to face her disabled child; Helena; once again in her life. (Thuresson, 2020)

The film itself is very  theatrical; it mostly bases on dialogues; the script is perfectly written. The characters have many layers; they are not plain. The character of Eva is the most complex one; she is hiding her emotions; and through the whole life she held  grudge against her mother; which did not know about any of these; she thought she gave Eva a great childhood; which in reality was very toxic and damaging for little Eva; she developed lots of insecurities. 

The camera work also a great part of that production. Lots of close-up shots helped the viewers feel emotions of the characters; without even hearing a word from them.

The colours were rather grayish; which increased the dark atmosphere in the film. The perfect contrast to the whole scenery was achieved by Charlotte's dress; which was covered in a bright red colour. 


\Target, 2021. Autumn Sonata (DVD). [online] Target.com. Available at: <https://www.target.com/p/autumn-sonata-dvd/-/A-14654991> [Accessed 18 April 2021].

Thuresson, 2020. Autumn Sonata (1978). [online] IMDb. Available at: <https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0077711/plotsummary?ref_=tt_stry_pl> [Accessed 18 April 2021].

1 comment:

  1. This is a strong first post of the new term, well done!


Reference List of Video Podcast.

REFERENCES LIST: Be Kind Rewind, 2020. How Ingrid Bergman Became Hollywood's Exile. [online] YouTube.com. Available at: < https://yo...